General Hill was a landowner, lumberman, and shipbuilder who built boats for a military expedition in New York in 1755, when the English were trying to defend the colonists against attack by the French and Indians. Those boats were used in battles on the Hudson River and Lake George. He also helped to build the warship “Achilles” in 1758.
During the Seven Years’ War (1756–1763) James Hill was just one of the many shipbuilders and ship captains who outsailed French privateers and brought back to New Hampshire ports cargos of molasses, sugar, wine, dry goods, tobacco and foodstuffs.
James served in the Revolutionary War. He was made Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Regiment of Militia in New Hampshire. He was promoted to General of the State Militia, and was known as General Hill. He also served in the Third Provincial Congress in 1775, and was appointed to the New Hampshire General Court for several terms after that.
Hill got the timber for the war ship “America” at the landing. The “America” was one of the largest ships built on the East Coast at that time. When the ship was completed, she had 74 guns or cannons. The Continental Congress ordered that she be built in 1776. She was designed by William Hackett of Exeter. Congress sent John Paul Jones to Portsmouth to oversee the construction of the ship. The “America” wasn’t launched until 1782 and given to France. A disappointing event to Captain Jones, but the US Congress didn’t have the money to outfit her. Also, the French ship “Magnifique”had sunk in Boston Harbor trying to help our country during the war, so the “America” was a gift from our country to a friend and ally replacing “Magnifique” in thr French Navy.
photo: Sarah (Coffin) Hill, General Hill’s first wife.
In June 1761 the General married and moved his wife Sarah Coffin to New Market; five months later he launched the “Breag for Whipple” (believed to be William Whipple of Portsmouth). His notes give instructions on how to build a “25 fout boute,” as well as rules for finding a ship’s position at sea.
At first James and Sarah lived on Newmarket Neck. After Sarah died in 1774, James married Sarah Hoyt and they swapped houses with his son-in-law. The Hills moved to the Moody Parsonage in Newmarket in 1784 which he turned into a tavern and lived till his death in 1811.
During the Revolution The General also served as Captain of a company stationed on Pierce’s Island in November 1775. He was one of the prominent citizens of New Hampshire in his day and was personally acquainted with George Washington, who stopped at Hill’s tavern (the old Moody Parsonage) in October, 1789. Hill served as Representative from New Market in 1784, 85,92, 99, 1802 and 1805. He was listed as a Brigadier General in 1787 and 1792.
James Hill kept a log book of his trip in 1755 to Crown Point. He added additional notes from 1758 to 1799 in his leather-bound notebook which is today kept at the Wellesley College Library (in Wellesely, MA).
The James Hill Note Book details his part in the Crown Point Expedition, his travels up and down the Hudson River and building boats for battle on Lake George. He also detailed his work on the ship-of-war Achilles, and his trips to Jamaica and England.
[Craig Stinson, a descendant of General Hill, photographed and transcribed the notebook and personal diary of the General. In 2021 he shared his work and the provenance of the logbook with the New Market Historical Society. That Log Book follows. ]
About 1932, Lily Potter presented a pocket-sized leather-bound journal to the library at Wellesley College. It had belonged to her 2x-great grandfather, James Hill, who used it to record his account as a 20-year-old Private in the Crown Point Expedition of 1755. Edna V. Moffett transcribed that section of the journal and published it, along with her analysis, in the July 1932 edition of The New England Quarterly. The second half of the journal, which primarily deals with business and family matters in the years 1758-1799, was not of particular interest to historians, and was not transcribed. A few entries made by others after James Hill’s death in 1811 complete the text.
In 2010 and 2012, I was able to visit the James Hill journal in the special collections of the Margaret Clapp Library at Wellesley College, and to photograph the pages. From there, I made my own transcription of the journal. Since then, the journal has been digitized and made available online, at, which is a great resource for anyone who wishes to study the book more closely. While the digital version of the journal is named The Diary of a Private on the First Expedition to Crown Point, I have retained the title as James Hill wrote it on the inside cover of the journal, “James Hill His Book.”
Below is my imperfect attempt at a transcription of the entire journal. Hill wrote the words as he spoke them, so while the spelling is often difficult to interpret, if one sounds the words aloud they are often easier to understand. I have added notes in italics where it seemed they might be helpful in showing some of the the larger picture of James Hill, his family, and his time.
The transcription is limited by several variables. Sometimes Hill’s handwriting eludes me. Over 270 years, the vernacular has changed. James Hill was shipwright and a sailor; this vocabulary is unfamiliar to me. Where I am stumped, I have left a question mark. Where I am making a guess, that is shown in italics or brackets. Others will doubtless readily see through what has been opaque to me. The pages are transcribed here in the sequence in which they appear in the book. There is a companion piece to this one which rearranges the journal chronologically.
Page numbers are set to match the numbering system used by the archivist at Wellesley, which designates the front cover as page 1 and the back cover as page 124.
A double hash // denotes a line across the page. A single hash indicates a line partway across the page.
1 [front cover]
2 [inside front cover] [torn] [James Hill signature]
3 [inside cover] James Hill His Book 1755 [and faded]
4 Nubery Rowly Ipwich Wannum Begerly Salem Lin Chilse Boston Roxbry Cambrag Watertown Walham Westown Sutbrey Merlbrgg Weasbrg Susbary Woster Leaster Spencer Brookfeld Westown Brenfeld Palmer Springfeld Westfeld Glosco Blanfeld Nomber Won
5 Sharefeald Canterhuk Albeny the flatts the Halfmone Sallitoger foart Edward the Lake Gorge Which is 80 miles from Albenny the Hol
6 in our Ragment 28 Kiled and 30 Wonid Weakes(?) Att Scout II(?)
James Junder (?)
7 James Hill and Jonthan Boardman Samuel Car William Lord dison(?) inlesed on the exper of Crown pint aprel the 18 Day 1755 for the Space of 8 monte and our moster was the 28 of May Note: possibly Jonathan Boardman (1734-1813) from Newburyport, Massachusetts.
8 marched from Nubery May the 23 Day and Araved att Boston May the 24 Day and the 29 Day from Boston and Came to Cambrag and the 30 Day Came to molbrg and May the 31 we Came to Leaster and the 1 of June Came to Spencer and went to miten thair and after meaten went broak feald and the 2 Day Came to Palmer and Went to Diner their and after Diner went to Springfeild and Lodg thair and the 3 Day of May[sic -June] Came to Westfeld
9 blank
10 and Lodged thir and the 4 of June Came to Glosco and Lodg thir and 5 of June march 18 mils throw Wilderness and now hom
11 Moses Nowels Work to Work 8 Days
12 June the 9 went to work June the 13
to work 6 days to work 6 days to work 6 days to work 6 days to work 7 days to work 7 days to work 7 days to work 7 days to work 3 /
[=] 55
13 Jonathan Boardman Work is 55 //
To Work that we did for Cornal Williams 9 days Note: Colonel Ephraim Williams, Jr., (1715-1755). Hill relates that Williams was killed at the Battle of Lake George, September 8, 1755.
14 augost the 6 day We went to work in Cor Williams is Ragmant and the 15 day we Cam to our Ragmant //
Samuel Carr to work 5 Days to work 6 Days to work 6 Days
15 Mr. Jonathan Ellit May 24 1774 27 28 28 24 24 28 20 26 26 26 26 28 27 26 27 30 / [=] 409 102 20 / [=] 531
16 blank
17 James Hill to the Work that I dead after I Came from albeny - foart Work and the Barrak Work [Hill has marked a line for each day worked]
to the Work that I dead a Coming up the reaver for Cornal Williams 9 days; for the Work that I Dead att foart Edward – 14 days for the Work that I Dead on the botes – 14 days
for the Work that I Dead on the Barrak and on the Breast work – 17 days on the Barrak – 3 day 1 2 3 1 3
18 blank
19 the a Count of What that I Tak out of the Stoer & loging for a Gaket and a Pair [two lines of writing scratched out]
Larful mony 0-11-0 . Larful mony 0-7-4 // old tin for a Gakait and a Pair of Shous 2=15-0 and to pair of Shous (?) £4=0-6 and to a Shart 2-15-1 / [total] 9-30-7
20 blank
21 the mils We march In a Day from Boston to albeny tow Boston 40 mile 5 25 24 15 31 8 11 20 20 34 10 / [=] 243 [faint signature of James Hill]
22 May 22 day 1773 the a Count Black Burch timber from Willm Coffin [various figures and addition]
[written horizontally “May 24 William Coffin 1774 Pine Planks” followed vertically by various figures and addition]
May 1755
23 May the 23 - 1755 We march from Nubery to Wenom the 24 we march to boston we Stad thir til the 29 we march from boston to Cambridg and Lodg thir 5 miles from boston & the 30 march to Sutbry and Lodg 35 miles from boston and the 31 day Com to Susbrg and Lodg thir 50 miles from boston. June the 1 Day on Sun march 6 mile and went to metin thir to John eatin? minister and after metin Came to Brookfild 10 miles to the hous of Thomas Bukmister and the 2 march to the hose of Thomas Cuttons for 6 miles and went to breck and then past through Woster brimfield & Palmer and then March 19 mile throu wods and Came to Springfeald
June 1755
24 To the Towne of Springfeald and Soupt thir to the house of luke Scot one 100 miles from Boston. June the 3 Day We march throu westfeald and over Conetticut revr and Came to the hous of Ezra Clap and lodg thir and Came to Weastfeald a good Town. June the 4 came to the Hose of Joseph Starr Dined thir and march over a mount 12 miles a vary bad mount and Lodg att the hose of Huzestone. June the 5 march throw the woads 20 miles and now maner of hous
25 and Came to the hose of John brewars at Number one and Lodg thir and thundred and raned very moch. June the 6 We Came to Shirfeald and dined thir With the doch and then march til night and Lodged in a boarn. June the 7 march to Cantirhuk and dined thir 30 miles from albeny and then march 20 mils and Lodg thir and June the 8 on Sonday arrived att albeny att 12 of the Clok and went to our quatres. June the 9 we fited our towls and Went to work
26 and We was 10 Days on our march from Boston to albeny and June the 15 on Sonday march after Ingons 8 miles out but Sea non and June the 30 our Captain Came and the Companny and July the 3 Was fast and we work in the fore none // thair Was three of ous Drafed into Cornl Willams is Ragmant to Kork is Botts for him John Wiatt James Hill & Moses Nowel
July 1755
27 and July the 5 We finished of one Hondred and 30 boats and then we went 6 of ous to Corken July the 13 Day on Son Day finished of one 100 bots // augost the 4 Day we finished of 250 Bots and Got in order to march our Reagmant and the 6 Day we march about 5 miles up the reaver and Campt thir and the 7 Day we Came over great fols and wear veary weat
August 1755
28 augost the 8 Day we went over the 2 fole Eat Som Diner thair and after Diner Came to the 3 fole and Campt thair and the 9 Day we Came over the 4 and 5 fols and Came to Stil Water on Satterday and Campt thir on Sonday the 10 Day we Rekorked 20 Bots and att Twelve of the Clock We Came up 8 miles and Campt thir and that was 11 Day on monday the 12 Day on Tousday we went over the 6 fols and Came to the 7 fols Whaier we Whaire abliged to Cairei them over and Came to the 8 fole Which is three miles and Campt thir
29 [extension of two lines already included in transcription of previous page]
30 and augost the 13 Day went over the 8 fols and Ware abliged to onlod the bots and Drag them up With about thorty man to a bot and we Campt thir that Night and the 14 Day we Came up about 8 mile up the reaver and sea 4 Ingons But Receved no Shot from them and Came to the Cairen Place and Campt thir and the 15 Day we Came to our Ragment and it Raned very moch and the 16 Day the Post went to Boston and the 17 Day on Sonday thir was a Ingon Came in and tole that thir was
31 three hondred Ingons in ambush for ous about a mile of and thir was three Hondred of ous went out after them But we found them not for thea flad and the 18 Day on monday we Went to Cutin timber for Boards and the 19 Day on Tousday Som a them went to Digin Tranches Round the foart and the 20 Day on wanday Kiled a Bok and the 21 on Thosday Went to fashen and the 22 Day on fryday Went a hontain and Coat but Leatil and the 23 on Satterday We Went to Cutin of timber for the magerzean
32 and the 24 Day on Sonday Went to Huin timber for the Rof of the magerzean and the 25 Day on monday Went to Korken the magerzean and the 26 on Tousday Went to Huin Timber for the arch and our Ginnaral and 2 thosand more march of to the Lak Sokerremor a Bout 14 miles of and thay Spied a army of Franch and Ingons that ware Coming Down upon ous and our Hol Ragmants Ware mostered that Night and the 27 Day on wanday thair was 2 Hondred Ingons Came to us and we Honred them very moch Recevd them
33 vary Kindly – and the 28 Day on Thosday moved our tants over to the foart and Piched theam thair – and the 29 Day on fryday the Wagons Came Bak from the Genearal
Note: General William Johnson (1715-1774). He was wounded at the Battle of Lake George ten days later.
and the 30 Day on Sattaday want a Hontin and Got Som Pigans and the 31 Day on Sonday att miten thair was Nous Com in that thair was 20 Ingons Had Kiled Som of the Gard that was out a Gardin the Cattel and and we went out and Fiound one Kiled and Colped and one more Caired a way and
September 1755
34 and the 1 of September on monday went to Corken the Rof of the magerzean and thair was 30 of our Newegland men dezarted and ware taken again and Caired to the Genaral and the 2 Day on Tousday finished the magerzean and Gott in order to march and the 3 Day on Wanday marched 14 miles and Came to the Lake Sorkorremor Whair our Genaral and the artilerre was thair before and raned very moch and We Lade down on the Ground and Nothing over ous So we Ware very weat and the 4 Day on Thosday Piched our tants and begon on a Stoar hous and the 5 Day on fryday Laid out the foart and Got in order
The Battle of Lake George, or “The Bloody Morning Scout”
35 to Work and the 6 Day on Saterday Went to Huin timber for the Lak bots that Ware Like Flabotes ande a bout 40 fut Long and to ro With 20 oars to Caira the artilerre and the 7 Day on Sonday as We ware a Goin by the Lake we Sea Botes and a franch flag as we Went to Work and we Works til a most Night and thean wair Cailed to arms for thea had Sean a army of franch and Ingons and the 8 Day on monday Cornal Williams with 5 hondred more Som of every Ragmant Went after theam a bout three mile and the
36 franch and Ingons had Laid in ambush for ous 18 Hondred franch and 8 Hondred Ingons and thay mad a Shot on our front and thay Kiled the Cornal and 139 more on the Spot and on the Retreat and we foat them on the Retreat teal we Came to our Camps and thean mad a front and foat them til foar of the Clock in the after non and thean thay went of
37 and the 9 Day on Tous day our Peapil and the mohaks went out to Plonder and Got a Great Deal but the mohaks most of it and the 10 Day on Wanday Went out to Beary the dead and found a number of Ingons that theay had Beared in a Swamp and theay Colped theam & Broat in a Great Deal of Bread and meat and the 11 Day on Thosday the mohaks Went of hom and Som Peapiel Came to ous from albeny that thoted we Ware takin and the 12 Day on fryday Want to bildin a Poder Hose and the 13 Day
38 Saterday Went to bilden the bots again and the 14 Day on Sonday Work in the fore none and in the after none it raned and mr emerson Prach a Sermon and we Heared him and the 15 Day on monday Kept to Work on the Bots and our Scout Came in and Descovered a Great army of franch and Ingons and the 16 Day on tousday the Scout Com in a gain and Said that thay Ware a Coming upon ous. Note: Daniel Emerson (1716-1801), chaplain in New Hampshire regiment.
39 and the 17 Day on Wanday we Kept to Work and thay Came Not and the 18 Day on thosday we Kept to Work and our Scouts Went out again and Came in again and said that the army Was in Camp and the 19 on fryday 8 Wagons Com and Caired of the Sick & Wonded and drove up Som Live Stock for ous and the 20 Day on Saterday move our
40 Tants and Som Went to Bilding of a Stoar Hous and Som to Work on the Botes and att midnight thair Was a foles Larom and the hol army was Rased and the 21 Day on Son Day itt Raned all the Day and Went to meton and the 22 Day on monday Kept to Work on the Botes and Som on the foart and the 23 Day on Tousday Kept to Work also
41 and the 24 Day on Wanday Som Went to Coarkin and Capt Rogers Com in from Crown Pint and Had Bean out 6 Days and Decovered a army that Was att the Narws and a bout 6 Hondread that Was att Crown Pint and a veasiel that Sailed for morreail that Was a Broagentene and the 25 Day on thosday itt Raned and Cleared of very Cold and froas att Night and the 26 Day on fryday mad ous a New Campt So that we mit Lei Warm
Note: Captain Robert Rogers (1731-1795).
42 and the 27 Day on Saterday Went to Work in the fore Nown and in the after Nown Was not well – and the 28 Day on Sonday Work Was forbidin and we Went to miten all Day and the 29 Day on monday the Hamshearmen Tuk a franch Ingon that Was a bout three miles of that Was Wonded and 2 more that Was a tanding of him and thay run and Got Klear and this fealor Had bean ever Sance the fite and the 30 Day on tousday Capt Rogers Came in from the Narwors and Decovard a foart that
43 that thay Had Bult att the Carinplace Which was a bout 20 miles of and a Grat army that was att Narws intranched aganst ous and he Spaied 10 man in a Batto 9 Ingons and one franchman and he and fore more that ware With him mad a Shoat upon tham and Kiled fore or five of them and than mad the bast of his Way Hom – and We Went to Work on a nothar foart a Left of Bilding the Botes in order to Bould a foart that Wod be Cannan Proaf and to tair the tother down for itt was not half fit for Nothing bout for Small arms
October 1755
44 October the 1 Day on Wanday Som of our Peapil Broat in a franch Prisonner and a Great nomber to Work on the foart and the 2 Day on thosday 25 of ous went to Bildin of a magerzean in order to be Bomprof and the 3 Day on fryday Kept to Work With all Hast and the 4 Day on Saterday we Kept to Work also and I Had a toath Hoaled and Caired away Part of the Garbon With itt and the 5 Day on Sonday thair was 25 Wagons Came up and Capt Gage Came up to Gard tham
Note: Captain Thomas Gage (1719-1787) who later commanded British forces in the Revolutionary War.
45 and the 6 Day on Monday thay Went back a Gain and Caired away the Sik With them and the 7 Day on tousday Capt Rogers and Capt Fry with 70 man Went up to the Narws thay want of Gast att Dark in 8 Battoes and Rogers in a Barch Cunnu and the 8 Day on wanday Capt Garash and Capt Pearson Came in With thair Compannys and itt Raned very moch and we Roceved Leators from Hom and the 9 Day on thosday Som more Compannys Com in
46 and thay went to bilding thair Campte and the 10 Day on fryday morning a vary Hard frost and the 11 Day on Saterday Capt Rogers Came in all well and Had no Battil With tham But decovard a nomber of tham and the 12 Day on Sonday itt raned and itt Snow a Leatil and was very Cold and 13 Day on monday in the fore nown thair was a fols Larom mad and the Hole army was mostered by reason of Som mohaks fairing on the Lake and itt raned all that Night and jost as it was dark our Scout went out and one of tham Wondered from the rast and the
47 Ingons Kiled Him and Colp him and Went of and the 14 Day on tousday itt raned also and Som wagons went Hom and the Gard that was before tham tuk five franch man that was Lain in wat in the Path and Caired tham to foart edward and the 15 Day on wanday itt raned also and the 16 Day on thosday Som of our rear foses went to work With ous and the 17 Day on fryday itt raned in the after noun and the 18 Day on Saterday itt was very Sqally and thair was Corl Plastaid and Corl Fry and mager Kingbary and Som other offesars that belong to the Ragmant Came up to ous
Note: Colonel Ichabod Plaisted (1700-1762) and Colonel James Frye (1709-1776).
48 and the 19 Day on Sonday moring a very Hard frost and we went to miten that Day and Som Wagons went Hom and the 20 on monday thair was Som Wagons Cam up and the 21 Day on tousday Praty Pleasant and att 8 of the Clok at Night Capt Rogers Came in with a franch mans Colpt that he tuk With in Sixty Rod of the foart and Decovered the army that Lie att tiandirodey which He thoat to be about 5 or Six thousan and the 22 Day on Wanday Luftt Combes Cut Him Salf and Som more mohaks Came in to ous
49 and the 23 Day on thosday Abarham Sapird Came in that Had ben Lost from our Scout 48 Houars and no maner of vitals and the 24 Day on fryday a vary Pleasant Day and our Scout Went out and the Genaral Gave ous 2 barels of rum to drean in the foart and we dreank itt that Night and the 25 Day on Saterday morning a bout three Inches of Sno and Kept Snoing til twelve of the Cook and than we went to work and the 26 Day on Sonday a fair Pleasant Day and we work very moch and the 27 Day on monday
50 blank
51 blank
52 fine Day Weather and We got our Barak up fit for the Rof and the 28 Day on tousday itt raned a Leatil in the morning but we went to work and the 29 Day on Wansday Pleasant Weather but Praty Cold and we rased the rof of the Barrek and Capt Rogers Went to tianderrogon and the 30 Day on thosday the Wind att Noththe East and bad Cold all the Day and the 31 Day on fryday preaty Pleasant Day as we Can Expect for the Season and the tother Barrak was Rased – and the 1 Day of November on Saterday Som of our Ragmant Went Hom and we tred but thay wold not Leat ous
November 1755
53 and the 2 Day on Sonday fin Pleasant Weather, and thay Sant Capt Rogers 80 more man but He was Discovered and was a blaged to fit His Way thru and Com Hom and the Hol With him theay fit tham With thair Walpeases and With Blonder Boses & thay very narerly ecaped thair Lives thay Wondid one of our men and itt is thought that thay Kiled Six or Eight of tham So thay a rived all of tham Save that one Saft to the army and the Wonded man With tham on the 3 Day on monday morning itt was dark Weather but Warm and the Work Went on Breaske that Day
54 and the 4 Day on ttousday Dark Weather also but Warm and thair Was a man Kiled att foart Edward the Day before and Som Wagons Come up for Lynon and Broat the Packet that Came from Boston and the oudors Was to Leat non go hom til forder oudors and the 5 Day on Wansday Pleasant Weather and We went to Huin timber for the Platformes and Capt Rogers Went up the Lake a Gain and we ware Put to Som thing of a moster by Reason of the Santerries firen in the Night for the Ingons Ware very thick about ous and Som of our Companny Went Hom
55 and the 6 Day on Thosday Warm and 2 Wagons Came in and broat in Som Bread and rum and the 7 Day on fryday Dark and Something Weat But Went to Work and itt raned and we Laft of Work att non and it raned til almost night and the 8 Day on Saterday very Klear Weather and our Insin and Som more of our Companny Went hom and we went to fittin timber for the Platforms and the 9 Day on Sonday mornig very Cold but Pleasant in the midel of the Day and our Newenland man went to Cutin timber over the Lake to finish the fort and 25 Wgons Came in and broat Som provision
56 and the 10 Day on monday morning mithy and weat and Som wagons went Hom and Som of our peapile with theam and itt raned all Night and the 11 Day on ttusday itt raned in the morning but we went to Work a Laying the Platform and att ten of the Clock att Night 2 of our Ingons Came in that Had bean out for a fortannat and Capt Rogers and thay Discovered a Great army of franch and Ingons att the South Bay Which we thought ware a Coming on ous att the Lak or at fort Edward and that Shortly and than our Hol army was mostered that Night and the 12 Day on Wansday our Ganarel Sant a way three Posts to albeny Warning foart Edward to keap a
57 Good Loke out and for the Hol Rear foses to Com up as Quick as posable and than as many as Cod Works went and Som to Corking and att won thing and Som att another and we Got in 4 of the Largest Gons and most of the Powder and Shat and the Large morterpeace and 2 more morterpeace and the 13 on thousday Kept to Work With all Spead and we Got up the flag Staf and att Night the Scout Came in and Said that the army Was With in 10 miles of ous and the hol of our army was mostered att 4 of the Clock in the morning and to Work we Went and Got in the Stoars in the foart and the 14 Day on fryday Got in the Gons and all Hands to Works Som a Huing timber for the Platforms and we Came to Shart Lowances tow Day before
58 and the 15 Day on Saterday Went to Work att the Platform and Som to Bilding a baterry att the Souwest Cornner and also tranching from it and Capt Putnam Came in and discovered Nothing but a Larg Scout Which was a fortifying abaft ous
Note: Captain Israel Putnam (1718-1790) who later led American forces in the Revolutionary War.
and att Night the Post Came in and a Nomber of Wagons ware on the Rode and the 16 Day on Sonday mity Pleasant weather but the alouanc very Short and we Worked and the 17 Day on monday a number of ous Capendors mad a Noais about the a Louance and Recovered itt Something Beater and than went to work and att Night 12 Wagons Came in and Broat in Bread and rum and the 18 Day on tousday att three of the Clok in the morning thair was a Earth Queak
59 that Shouk our Campte But not vary moch
Note: The magnitude 6.0 earthquake off Cape Ann, November 18, 1755, was the largest in Massachusetts history. It toppled 1500 chimneys and bent the vane of Faneuil Hall in Boston, and was felt from Nova Scotia to South Carolina. Ships 200 miles offshore thought they had run aground.
and on the after non 8 Hondread man of our rear foses Came in and 18 Wagons With theam and the 19 Day on Wansday 2 Hondread Hamshear man Came in and the 20 Day on thosday the Hamshear man Went out a Scout and We Want up the Lake for Devarshon for the Weather was Pleasant and the 21 Day on fryday Darke Weather but Warm and the 22 Day on Saterday Darke Weather and Something Weat and our Ragamant was Kleared from Duty and Sant to worke and att Night thair Came in 60 Pak Hosses and 150 Wagons and raned very moch and at eight of the Cloke at Night thair was a Earth Quak
60 and the 23 Day on Sonday a vary Cold Stoarm of rain and itt Seaced rained and night and begon to Sno and the 24 Day on monday Sqailly and Cold and three of our meas Went Hom and the Commishenners that Was Seant Came in and att Night Sout in thike of sno and Cold and the 25 tousday very Sharp Cold and the Counsel Conkluded Hou Shold Stay and in the after none Went to beating round for volintears and a Great Nomber Listed and the 26 Day on Wansday Pleasant Weather and we Got in audor to march Hom and the 27 Day on thosday we Strok our tants and att 12 of the Clok we march of with the Genaril and the Hol army but What
61 Staid in the foart and we Camp three miles from foart Edward and the 28 Day on fryday Came to Sallitogar and Campt thair and the 29 Day on Saterday Came 20 miles and Campt thair att Sater and itt rained and the 30 Day on Sonday Came to albenny & the 1 of December on monday Got three Days alouance and march for Hom and Got to the Half Way hous and Campt thair and the 2 Day on ttousday march to the feary and Sonk the boat Robare a ovin and Killed a torky and went over the broag and Killed a Heair and Campt in the wods 15 miles and the 3 Day on Wansday Came to Sheaffeald 20 miles and the 4 Day on thosday Came to Nomber 1 to John Bruars and thair was vitals anouf pervaided
December 1755
62 and the 5 Day on fryday Came 20 miles throu Wods and Came to Sheaffeald and thean Went over a mountain 12 miles and no vitals that Day and the 6 Day on Saterday Came 5 miles and eat Som vitals and Came to Springfeald and Ware Stopt att the feary by reason of the eace and the 7 Day on Sonday - - - and the 12 Day of December araved att Newbery and the 15 Day Went to Work for master Shute
Note: “Master Shute” would be Michael Shute (1707-1784), shipwright, who had relocated from Boston to Newmarket in 1755 after the death of his first wife. His son John Shute (1744-1819) later became James Hill’s brother-in-law and business partner in the shipbuilding business.
This ends the narrative account of the Crown Point Expedition.
63 blank
various dimensions for boat building
Note: It is not recorded in his diary, but Caleb Mitchell (1751-1823) was indentured to James Hill, shipwright, on October 31, 1765, for a period of 6 years, 5 months, and 8 days, presumably ending on his 21st birthday. Caleb was the son of shipwright Joshua Mitchell, who died in 1761. It may well be that the various dimensions for boat building recorded on pages 64-74 are related to this indenture.
64 a 25 Foot bote the Stam Stands 5 foot and 10 Inches the Hath of the work(?) and the Post is 6 foot and fore Inches Long and the Starn is 5 fot and 10 Inches the Hol the after Beand Stands 5 foot 6 Inches from the after Side of the Post and rises 13 Inches and ½ of a Inch and Narraws 5 Inches and ¾ of a Side the dead flat rises 5 Inches and ½ and 5 and 5¼ the fore beand Stand 4 foot and 2 Inches from a Plom Line and Raises 9 Inches and Narrows 3 Inches and 8/7(?) Of a Inch of a Side and 13 flore timbers thee midship Brath is 9 fot 1 Inch and a ½ and the fore beand Narrows 4 Inches and a ½ a loft and After Beand Narrs 3 Inches and ⅛ of a Inch a Loft and 3 foot and 4 Inches on the wail and 8 Inch Stroak
65 a 21 fot Bote the Stam Stands 5 foot and 2 Inches the Hath of the work and the fore Bend Stands 4 foot and 7 Inches from a plom Line to the molden Side and reases 7 Inches and ¾ of a Inch and Narous 3 Inches and a ¼ of a Inch and 4 Inches dead risen and the After Beand Stands 5 foot and 6 Inches from the post and rises 11 Inches and Narous 4 Inches and a ¼ of a Inches of a Side and 7 foot and 8 Inches Wide and the fore Bend Narous 3 and ¾ of a Side After Beand Norous 8 Inches and a ½ and one ⅛ of a Inch and 8 foot deap on ?
66 Strack(?) and a 11 flore timbers a 11 Inches a Part
67 20 fot Bote the Stam Stands 4 fot and 10 Inches the Hath of the work the fore Beand Stand 4 foot and 2 Inches from a Plom Line and raises 7 Inches and a ½ of a Inch and Narous 3 and a ½ of a Side and the After Band Stands 4 fot 8 Inches and a ½ of a Inch from the After Side of the Post the molden Side of the timber - and raises 10 Inches and ¾ and Narous 4 Inches of a Side and 4 Inches Dead Risen and a 11 flore timbers a 11 Inches a part and 7 foot and 4 Inches wide the fore Band Narous 4 Inches a Loft and the Aften Band Narous 2 Inches and a ½ of a Side and the Starn 4 foot and one half Inch
68 a 14 foot Bote the Bottom rounds 5 Inches the Stam Stands 3 foot the Hath of the worke ? with the Round of the Bottom and the fore Beand Stands 3 foot 2 Inches and ¾ from a plom Line to the fore Side of the timber and Raises 3 Inches ¼ and Narous 2 Inches of a Side and the dead flat raises 2 Inches and a ½ and the After Beand Stands 3 foot and 5 Inches from the post and Raises 5 Inches and Narrous 2 Inches of a Side and 8 flore timbers 10 Inches and a ½ a part and 5 foot and 6 Inches
69 Wide and the fore Beand a Loft Narrous
70 the Dimenshons of a 13 and Half Bote the Bottom rises 4 Inches the Stam Stands
71 17 foot Long bote the Stam Stands 4 foot and the Hath of the Work the fore Beand Stands 3 foot and 10 Inches from a plom Line to the molding Side and Raises 6 Inches and ¼ and norous 2 Inches and ¾ of a Inch and the After Bend Stands 4 foot and 9 Inches from the Post and Raises 7 Inches Inches and ½ and Narrous 3 Inches of a Side 9 flore timbers a 11 Inch and a ¼ a part Plank Starn 4 foot 1 Inch Wide Post 4 foot 6 Inches Longe
72 and 6 foot 8 Inches Wide fore Board norrus 3 Inches of a Side and the after Board 1 Inch and one ¼ of a side and 2 foot 5 Inches doap on the Wail and 6 Inches and ¼ Stroak
73 the Demintions of a Long Bote 16 foot Long 2 foot 2 Inches Deep and 6 foot 2 Inches Wide the Stam Stands 4 foot 9 Inches the Hath of the Work the Starn is 3 foot and 1 Inch Wide the fore Bend Stands from a plom Line 5 foot 7 Inches and raises 5 Inches and a ½ and narrous 2 Inchis and ½ of a Side the After Bend Stands 3 foot 9 Inches from the Post after Side and raises 6 Inches and a ½ and narous 2 Inches and a ¼ of a Side
74 the dead flat raises 3 Inches and a ¼ and 3 foot and 4 Inches flore 6 foot and 2 Inches Wide 9 flore timbers norous forard on 2 Inches and a ½ and Aft 1 Inch and ¾ //March the 10 Day 1758 I went to work on the Ship Achilles
75 blank
76 blank
77 blank
78 As I Weoas a Goin a Long I meat our Saveyer Christ he ask me whair I weoas a Goin I tould him to the mount of Ollaves he ask me for what I tould him to Geat feag lavs to Covr the prick of a nale of AB(?) without Kiefel or Krikel in the name of the father Son and holy Goust // Christ was Born in Beathleam and Beapties in the reaver of Jourdan, and the weator Stand Stil So Leat the Blod of AB(?) in the name of the F S A H
James Hill Was Born December ye 31th 1734 to be Rackined as the New Stail which was before Decemb the 20 1734
Note: September 2, 1752 the English finally switched from the Julian calendar (“Old Style”) to the Gregorian calendar (“New Style”). Those who lived through it went to sleep on September 2 and woke up on September 14. At the same time, January 1 was designated as the beginning of the new year, rather than March 25, as it had been up to then.
79 [written horizontally] the Extent from ye proper ? of latt to the Depth? Will Rach from the merd. ? of latt to ye ? of longt // the way to find the merd. pa?t? by Quater the Octent from the latt you ware in yeasterday to the latt you are in to Day then to the Degrees of Equal parts will Give you your merd ? of latt // to find your merd dist add your Depth? To Day to the merd Dt yeasterday and that will give you the merd Dist for to Day // if you Sail to the Eastward Subt your Longt and to the Wastward add your Longt together // if you Sail to the northward add your latt together and if to the Southward Subt your latt from Each other
80 Jacob Souryear [Sawyer] to half days work Joseph Coffin half Ian Doset? half Joseph Doset? half The boy half a Day // Joseph Doset? one Day Iambel? Dost one Day Joseph Doset one Day Joseph Doset one Day John Warret half a Day
81 Joseph Coffin work 26 day and a half April the 27 day Joseph fell Sick James Hill goes to work aboard the Achilles 1758
82 March the 10 day 1758 I went to work on bord the Shipe Achilles for Mr Haris(?) and was to Receve for the first 2 months 45 pound which brought the 10 of may and from the 10 of may to Receve 4 pounds sterling a month for the porcead Voyge // [crossed out] The a count of what I had of him By cash - - - 22:10:0 By 4 yeards of Ever basting(?) By a pair of Stockins By trimmings for Jacet and Breaches [crossed out] What I had of Capt Knight to a pair of plain(?) drays [=drawers?]
83 [whole page is crossed out] Augost the 1 day 1758 In Savallemar I was taken Sick and the first of September Gott to work a Coarking //
Note: Savlamar is a shortened form of Savanna-la-Mar, a port on the west end of Jamaica. Its main exports were sugar, rum, and slaves.
M? of Sondry things Bought att Mr Clarks in Elford C[?]. 2 5/8 of yard plain Cloth 11=4½ 2¾ yard Bay[?] at 10 d [=pence]? of 2-3½ 1¾ fustian 1:7 [note: a heavy cloth for mens wear]
Canvas 1 d Battens [=buttons] 10 d thread and tape 3 d ½ 2½ mohair(?) 2 Stoaks [0-]4 one wostord Cape 1-2 one pair of Stokens 3-6 to 7 yd of Cheak Lennan 10-6 [=checked linen?] [total] £1=11=11=½ Cash 1=01-0-0 Cash 1=01-0-0 [totals] 3:13:11:½
84 [crossed out] Jannary ye 30 1759 Gave Capt Knight a Recate of all that I have Reced of him from the beginen of the world to this Day which is 10=11-8=½ // April ye 22th 1759 then Seattelled with Capt John Knight for the Late voige and paid of att London // June the 20 disebarq from the Ship and She Sailed //
[different handwriting]
Lines in Joseph S. Neils Grave Stone Traveller as you pass by
Look on this Stone and Learn to die In Midst of Life by sudden Stroke
The fairest prospect is often broke [drawing]
Note: Joseph Smith Neal was the husband of James Hill’s 16th child, Olive Rindge Hill Neal (1787-1852). Joseph Smith Neal died April 27, 1815. Olive inherited her father’s diary; she made this entry.
After her mother’s death in 1852, Martha Ann Neal Thompson uses one empty journal page to record important dates that occurred earlier in her ancestry, up to the death of her mother Olive:
85 Gen James Hill Died at Newmarket N.H. Augt 22, 1811 Aged 77 years //
Sarah his Wife [of James Hill] Died at New Market N.H. Decr 10, 1789. Aged 43 //
Capt Hubartus Neil Died at New Market Decr 13, 1806. Aged 91 /
Note: Capt. Hubartus Neal Sr. (1715-1806).
Mary his wife [of Hubartus Neil] Dd June 18:1806 – Aged 91 //
Note: Mary Perkins Neal (1715-1806).
Capt Hubartus Neil Jr Died at New Market May 8, 1807 Aged 55 /
Note: Capt. Hubartus Neal Jr. (1752-1807).
Mary his wife [of Hubartus Neil Jr] Died July 11-1815 Aged 60 //
Note: Mary Smith Neal (1755-1815).
Note: These four notations are especially helpful in sorting out the confusion caused by the similar names and similar dates of death for the two Hubartus Neals, both of whom were known as “Captain Hubartus Neal,” and both of whom were married to women named Mary.
Captain Hubartus Neal Sr. (1715-1806) died at Newmarket 13 December 1806, age 91.
Captain Hubartus Neal Jr. (1752-1807) died at Newmarket 8 May 1807, age 55.
Joseph S Neil Son of Hubartus Neil Jr Died at New Market April 27-1815 - Aged 27 yrs /
Note; Joseph Smith Neal (1788-1815).
Olive R his wife [of Joseph S. Neil] and daughter of Gen James Hill Died at St Joseph Michigan Augt 30, 1852 Aged 66 years //
Note: Olive Rindge Hill Neal Stinson (1787-1852).
[back to original handwriting]
James Hill and Sarah Coffin marry and soon move to Newmarket, 1761
86 James Hill and Sarah Hill his Wife was meared January ye 1 Day 1761 the Weather Clear /
James Hill was Born December ye 31 Day 1734 New Stile which maks 26 years of age the Day before maring and Sarah Hill was Born July the 11 Day 1740 to be Reckoned New Stile which maks her 20 years 5 months and 20 days ould
Note: Sarah Coffin Hill (1740-1774).
Note: The marriage was in Kittery, Maine, although it is recorded in the New Hampshire, US Marriage Records, 1700-1971. That record shows their marriage date as 31 January 1760, the place of marriage as Kittery, and the officiant as Rev. John Rogers, who was the pastor at Kittery, Maine.
87 When meared a vear acompollish yong Leady 1761 June the 30 Day moved my Wife to Newmarket the Weather Warm and fecand(?) returned hom the Day after
Note: This marks the relocation from Kittery to Newmarket; note Hill says that afterward he went “hom[e].”
James Hill records the births of his first eight children
1761 July the 16 Day 1761 Was Born of my Wifes Boddy a Leaikly yong Son att 7 a Clock in the morning the day thusday [“Daniell” written in margin]
Note: Daniel Hill (1761-1826).
Note: James Hill’s own journal entries show Daniel’s birth as taking place 6½ months after the marriage. The other marriage record suggests that Daniel’s birth was 17 months after the marriage.
88 1763 January ye 5 Day on Wandday att 6 of the Clock in the morning Was Born of my Wifes Boddy a Leaikly Dafter the Day Wandsday [“Sarah” written in margin]
Note: Sarah Hill Smith (1763-1819).
June ye 2 Day on Saterday att 8 of the Clock Was Born of my Wife Body a dafter in the year 1764 [“Mary” written in margin]
Note: Mary Hill Branscomb French Joy (1764-1860).
March ye 2th 1766 on Sunday att 7 a Clock in the Evening Was Born of my Wife Body a Likely Son his Name James //
Note: James Hill (1766-1850) is the ancestor of my branch of the Hill family. (Stinson)
Decembr ye 4 Day 1767 Was Born of my Wifes Body a Likely Dafter the Day fryday att half after fore in ye morning Aphafia
Note: birth of the first Apphia Hill (1767-1770).
89 May ye 28 Day 1770 on Munday att half after fore Was Born of my Wifes Body a Dafter hur Name is Younas //
Note: Eunice Hill Longfellow Smiley (1770 - ).
June ye 21 Day 1770 this Day att Nine of the Clock at Night Departed this Life my Dafter Aphafia 2 years 5 months & 17 Day ould //
Note: death of the first Apphia Hill (1767-1770).
feberey ye 22 Day 1772 on Saterday att half past Seven att Nite Was Born of my Wife Body a Likely Dafter and Cristoned the first Day of March hur Name Elisabath
Note: Elizabeth “Betsey” Hill Smith (1772-1865).
90 Aprell ye 7 Day 1773 att 12 att Night on Wansday Was Born of my Wife Body a Sun William //
Note: William Hill (1773 - ).
James Hill records the death of his wife Sarah Coffin and his marriage to Sarah Hoyt Burleigh febery ye 3th 1774 this Day att three of the Clock Departed this Life of a Lingering Sickness my Deare and Loving Wife //
Note: Sarah Coffin Hill (1740-1774).
June ye 20th 1774 meared Mrs Burlagh my Seaken Wife – Widor to John Burlagh Junr Deceased //
Note: John Burleigh, Jr. (1745-1773).
James Hill records the births of children #9 through #14
91 March ye 27th 1775 Was Born of my Wife Body a Likely Dafter hanerh By Name [“Hannah” written in different ink.] //
Note: Hannah Hill Wiggin (1775-1798). When Hannah died at the age of 22, her husband Henry Wiggin married her younger sister, Apphia (1783-1819).
June the 3th 1776 at half past fore in the morning Was Born of my Wife Body a fine Sun his Name John Burlagh //
Note: John Burleigh Hill (1776 - abt. 1831). John Burleigh was the name of his mother’s first husband, and also the name of his older brother who had died as an infant. James and Sarah Hoyt Burleigh Hill were determined that the name of John Burleigh would continue in their family.
Janery 16 half apast Nine at Night was Born of my Wife Body a Sun his Name is Joseph //
N ote: Joseph Hoit (or Hoyt) Hill (1778- ). His son Augustus Charles Ludlow Hill (1818-1897) migrated to Arkansas and eventually to Texas, and played a part alongside the children of James Coffin Hill (1792-1864).
September 19 on Sonday at one of the Cloke in the morning was born a Son his Name Benjamin Note: Benjamin Hill (1779-1812). He apparently died on the day of his sister Olive’s marriage, although she wouldn’t have learned the news until later.
92 1761
November ye 1 Day 1761 itt being on a Sunday att 8 of ye Clock thair Was a Small Shock of an Earthquake the Day after a Could Snow Storm
Note: This earthquake is documented in other sources as taking place at 8pm and being felt in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, so we can be confident in Hill’s dates and times in his journal.
1761 Lanched the Breag for Whippell, being the 26 Day of Novembre //
Note: This indicates that Hill continued as a shipwright when he returned from his time aboard the Achilles.
May 3th 1781 thursday Was Born of my Wife Body a Dafter at Nine of the Cloth in the morning on the Contenall fast hur Name Deborah //
Note: Deborah Hill Perkins (1781-1815).
July ye 4th 1783 was Born of my Wife Body a Dafter hur Name Aphafia at aleaven a Clock in the Evening
Note: the second Aphafia, (Apphia) Hill Wiggin (1783-1819). After her sister Hannah’s death in 1798 at the age of 22, Apphia married Hannah’s widower, Henry Wiggin, Jr., and presumably raised her niece Susan Hill Wiggin (1795-1864).
James Hill records the birthdates of the children and step-children of his second wife, Sarah Hoyt Burleigh:
93 Martha Burlagh was Born augost 29th 1769 //
Note: Daughter of John Burleigh (1745-1774) and his first wife Anna Hilton (1745-1769). Martha was two months old when her mother died. Her father remarried and soon died as well. Sarah brought her stepdaughter Martha into the James Hill household. Martha was just under five years old when her stepmother Sarah Burleigh married James Hill.
Anna Hilton Burlagh was Born augost 28th 1771 //
Note: Daughter of John Burleigh (1745-1773) and his second wife Sarah Hoyt Burleigh Hill (1747-1789). Touchingly, she was named for the deceased first wife of her father. Anna was two years old when her father died, and almost three when her mother married James Hill.
John Burlagh was Born May 5th 1773 Departed this Life June 25th 1773 //
Note: Son of John Burleigh (1745-1773) and Sarah Hoyt Burleigh Hill (1747-1789). He was born and died shortly before his father’s death 20 August 1773.
Birth of Mehitabel, James Hill’s 15th child
Aprell 2th 1785 on Saterday at teen of the Clock in att Night was Born of my wife Body a Dafter hur Name Mehitibell
Note: Mehitabel Burleigh Hill Boardman (1785-1861), daughter of James Hill and Sarah Hoyt Burleigh Hill. Her grandson was genealogist Samuel Lane Boardman (1836-1914).
94 a Count of Bonds Delvrd Captt Addams By hand of Mr Crage –
Note: This is probably the John Adams who married Ann/Nancy Folsom on January 11, 1788. Ann/Nancy Folsom is the third daughter of Martha Wiggin Folsom from her first marriage.
Recaved in Compny of Josiah Gorges[?] 2309 Bond
of my one Bond 4363 of Mr Shut
by his Barn 500
[total] 7172
95 September ye 10 Day 1772 to 3 pine Steaks from Samuell Leavet 129 foot
three tuns & 9 foot [total] £36-14-0 /
Septembr ye 21 Day 1772 from Mr Jons 602 foot Of 2 Jmh pine planks
to the 8 foot of 24s
to 180+2 J? of oun timber Sawead att Wilson mill Exeter
96 March 24 Day 1773 the a Count of timbr Cutt on Darter Rogers Land this Winter and Now in the yard is 89 tuns 36 feet a bought teen tuns Behind yeat/
Aprell ye 22 Day 1773 Received Hezekiah Haes the Quantity of 5034 foot of White Take planks as 2 Jmh— half Cash half Wistingy Good Lawful Money a totling £755 0-0 £37—15-0
97 blank
98 augost 5 day 1773 Planks from Hiskins 2000 from Hiskens 334 feet from Baker //
Capt mr Clarkey(?) oake planks on Bond of Willm Straw tearms Septemb 16th [various addition] 17 Nombre on Whell & Weagons /
13 on Capt Clarke
99 March ye 29 day 1774 the a Count of timber foot(?) by Capt ? [various addition]
100 [columns of addition] [at the bottom are these words, which can be read through a large blot of ink:] Febery 15th 1812 our Brother Benjamin Departed this life at the age of ??
Note: Probably written by Olive Rindge Hill.
Births of children #16 and #17; move to Moody Parsonage
101 Janery 1th 1787 Ollive Rindge was Born at five a Clock in the Evingning
Note: Olive Rindge Hill Neal Stinson (1787-1852).
move my family to the moody place May 26th 1787 on Saterday//
Note: James Hill had purchased the Moody Parsonage from son-in-law John Moody Smith on 26 March 1786, and sold him the Doe Neck Farm (see Rockingham County Deeds 119:542). John Moody Smith (1758-1815) was married to Sarah, James’ oldest daughter.
November 30th 1788 was Born a Sun on Sunday at Seaven a Clock in the Evining by the Name of Amos Shaphard
Note: Amos Shepherd Hill (1788-1862).
Daughter Olive records the death of her father James Hill, 1811
[different hand and ink] Six of Clock in the morning farther departed this life Confin ten months
James Hill records the death of his second wife Sarah, 1789
102 December ye 10th 1789 at half after twelve in morning my Dearly Beloved wife finished har Labour heare below and I am porswaid accanded to the Reamels of Lite //
in the 43 years of hir age //
Note: Sarah Hoyt Burleigh Hill (1747-1789).
Coll Hakett & Mrs Hodg mared aprell 4 1790 on Sunday evening //
Note: Possibly the Major Hackett who was the master builder for the Ship America, which James Hill and John Shute partnered to build in 1776-1782. “Mrs. Hodg” is possibly James’ sister Elizabeth Hill Hodge (1738- ).
November 1th 1792 Capt Brancom & mitchell was drouned - & Brouead the 3 day
Note: Capt. Arthur Branscomb (abt. 1764-1792), was married to James Hill’s daughter Mary. He drowned in Great Bay 1 November 1792.
James Hill, twice widowed, marries the widow Martha Wiggin Folsom, 1790
103 mared mis martha filsom of Straham Aprell 6th 1790 on tousday Evening at Eight of the Clock /
Moved my Wife hom on Wandsday 21 Instst //
Mr Mark Grager met at my to Receve(?) the Wife(?) the 20 Day and the people at Lamperreaver dead not atend
104 My dafter Betsey married Joseph Smith October 16th 1790 //
Note: Joseph Hall Smith (1766-1841).
My dafter Hanah marred Hannrey Wiggin Junr December 11th 1794
Note: Henry Wiggin Jr. (1767-1828). Henry and Hannah soon had a child, Susan Hill Wiggin, born in 1795. When Hannah died 3 years later at the age of 22, Henry Wiggin married Hannah’s younger sister Apphia, who presumably raised her niece Susan.
Daughter Olive records some important family dates, including the death of her father
[different handwriting]
Olive R. Hill mared Joseph S. Neal Febuary 15th 1812
Note: This entry seems to have been made by Olive herself.
my Honered Father 6 oClock Departed this life August 22th 1811 Aged 76 years & 7 months & 22 Days
Sick 10 months very much resind
Febuary 15th 1812 Brother Bengamin Hill Departed this Life Aged 32 years 4 months 26 Days Note: Benjamin Hill (1779-1812), a merchant at Portsmouth, apparently served as a Lieutenant in the 4th Regiment infantry in the Battle of Tippecanoe, November 7, 1811. Lt. Hill died 15 February 1812, while the outfit was in winter quarters in Vincennes, Indiana. Several sources confirm the date and place of death.
Note that Benjamin Hill died the same day his sister Olive married Joseph Smith Neal, although she wouldn’t have heard of her brother’s death until some days later.
Probably James Hill’s last entry in the journal, 1799
105 [scrawled handwriting] March ye 5th 1799 Leift John Adams move his fammeley from Osipee to Stratham and take Pushern [=possession?] of the frorm in Stratham on Condishorn that Shall(?) my persent wife Shold Quit all hur Rite to my Estate – Both Real & Personal(?), in Case She Shold out Live me - if not the Rent to Continue as ?
Note: Probably the John Adams who married Ann/Nancy Folsom on January 11, 1788. Ann/ Nancy Folsom is the third daughter of Martha Wiggin Folsom from her first marriage.
This page is difficult to decipher, but seems to relate to a different quitclaim dated 01 February 1798, (Rockingham County Deeds 186:184), in which James Hill quitclaims to John Adams his right to property that 3rd wife Martha Folsom inherited from her deceased husband John Folsom. Note: This 1799 entry seems to be the last dated entry James Hill made in his journal.
106 the a Count of timber haled to Barbors mill is 35 tuns and 6 feet of pine 16 tuns and 31 feet
1773 Aprell 28 Recevd of Rindge my Salf Cash £12-0-0
Daughter Olive Hill records important family events that took place soon after her father’s death in 1811
[different handwriting]
Mr Longfallow depart this Life April 6th 1812
Note: Husband of Eunice Hill (1770- ), son-in-law of James Hill.
Marm Hill departed this Life June 6th, 1812
Sick 14 months to a precmene(?) no Cence Aged 84 years
Note: Martha Wiggin Folsom Hill (1729-1812). Another source has her death as 10 December 1812, but this information directly from Olive is probably more reliable. The handwriting is legible, but I am unable to interpret the full meaning of the entry.
Misess Perkins Lost a Child Sept 6th 1811
Note: Probably Deborah Hill Perkins (1781-1815), daughter of General James Hill.
Misess Longfallow Lost a Child Febuary 6th 1812
Note: Probably Eunice Hill Longfellow (1770- ), daughter of General James Hill.
107 1762 my hol Rate(?) is 20-17-2 // 1763 my Rate? £20=4=8
William Haskitt ingage 3 mill of planks
Haggin 3 mill //
The death of Primas, one of James Hill’s slaves, 1790
March 4th 1790 Primas Departed this Life half after Eight in the morning
Note: Primas was one of James Hill’s slaves. He was killed by a barrel of cider rolling over him in the sub-basement of the General Hill Tavern.
James Hill makes purchases in London - 1759?
108 [horizontal] the Acount of mony Disbousted in London to ? yards of seollon cloath 1/9??
to a Hatt paid 0:13:5:0
to 3 pair of Stockings 0:12:6:0
for Buckals and Buttons 1:01:0:0
for a Journal Book and Quill(?) 0:01:10:0 *CS note: is this the journal we are holding?
paid for my portaction 1:01:0:0 for a pair of Chanals(?) poumps 0:06:6:0 for manding Shoues 0:02:0:0
for Coat and Brokay 4:01:6:0
for a Sattons Weascot 0:16:0:0 for a pair of Sealke noat Broaky(?) 0:7:6:0
for Wilsons aportime(?) 0:4:0:0 for a New Watch 3:9:0:0
109 [continues list] for Black and White Stock and New? Buckels
£: s[shillings]: d[pence]: ?
for a Quardorrin 0:7:0:0
[also upside down chart] The a Count of Days Worke on Douty Roger(?)
[each person listed has 6 or 5 hash marks and a 0 signifying a week of work done:] Caleb Dutch Jacob Walter Robert Colcord Pease Weals Grt(?) Ruben Colley to Cash paid Ruben Whicher By Hill £6:5:0 febery 1773
Note: maybe Caleb Mitchell after his release from indenture?
110 December 10 Day 1772 timber bought of Chatman & of Greanland 5 Buts fell Before 2 Beams and 2 Wear on them old Bots
1 White oake 2 Steak 5 arms
1 Black oake Keall pease 42 foot 1 White oake 2 arms Starnpost
1 White oake 2 Steaks 2 arms
1 White oake 1 Steake 2 ? and short Steaks not haved(?)
111 [columns of addition]
Janery ye 2 day 1773 worke don att Dearefeld By John Shute & William Badgs
Shute 592 Badgr 592
Note: John Shute (1744-1819) is a son of Michael Shute (1707-1784) who is mentioned in Hill’s diary on p. 62. He married James’ sister Mary Hill Adams (1733-1800) after the death of her first husband, John Adams, so he is James’ brother-in-law.
William Badger was a shipwright and was 23 when he was in Captain Gilman’s company, Col. Poor’s regiment, June 6, 1775. He was born in 1752 in Newbury, Massachusetts.
112 [faded at top]
Kittery September 13th 1756 Receaved of Stephen Lord fifty Pounds Paper mony and in Silver 2-9-6
Received of the same one Hondread pounds at months time //
December the 5 day 1756 Received of the Same 4 hondread and seventy foot of oak Boards // Jenewary the 18 Day 1757 the account of the Same 5 Hondread of the fore mencened Boards
113 [crossed out] Receaved for Mr Soule five Ginneys and paid for him for Shorting
for wine and Shogur 0:4:6-0
for peapor and Qu? 0:1-0-0
114 Cloth for trouses to a pair of Stockins
[upside down writing at bottom of page in different handwriting – appears to list of work of A. P. Storr – 5 weeks and later 1 week]
115 March the 27 Day Begon to Share with Mr Norton
6 Quails of Rope 4 Quails of Rope out of Capt Greenleaf Ware house |
| ||
116 and 117 [chart] |
Killed |
Wounded |
Well |
General | 1 |
Seakaterys | 1 |
Colonels and Liewtenante Colonels | 1 | 2 |
Major |
| 1 |
Captains | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Lauetenants | 11 | 15 | 11 |
2 Lauetenants or Ensign | 3 | 5 | 6 |
Midship men | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Chaplain |
| 1 |
quartermastors |
| 1 |
Surgeons and mates | 1 | 5 |
Sargants | 17 | 20 | 21 |
Corporals and Bombadiers | 18 | 22 | 23 |
Guners | 6 | 8 | 4 |
Boateswaine mates | 1 |
| 1 |
Drumers | 2 | 6 | 24 |
matrossese and Priveate men | 386 | 328 | 486 |
| 456 | 422 | 584 |
[117 lists totals and categories Killed, Wounded, Well]
118 and 119 [2 page chart] |
the a Count of the Sholgars in North amerrica | |
Halifax and Lounborg in Nova Scotia | 5000 |
New HamShire | 30000 |
Massachusetts Bay | 220000 |
Rhode island & Providence | 35000 |
Connectticut | 100000 |
New York | 100000 |
The Jorseys | 60000 |
Pennsylvania | 250000 |
Mary Land | 85000 |
Virginia | 85000 |
North Carolina | 45000 |
South Carolina | 30000 |
Georgia | 6000 |
Total Nomber
[James Hill signature at bottom of 118] | 1051000 |
120 [can’t read top – looks like Stephen Lord Bown in amateur scratching] [columns of addition]
121 a yoail 16 Long 5 foot wide and 2 foot and 3 Inches Deap
Mr. Gillman to Work 4½ tuns ? for 32-10 Stortin 2 hogshead(?) Rum d/6? for half tuns and do. P pound
£ 1525-0-0
2 Chaldren Cole
122 James Hill His Book [lots of practice signatures] 123 [back inside cover] 1755 James Hill His Book 124 [back cover]
Transcription and notes:
June 7, 2013
rev. February 22, 2022
B. Craig Stinson 8150 Bald Eagle Rd.
Jones, OK, 73049