13th Infantry New Hampshire Volunteers (three years)

By S. MILLETT THOMPSON, late Second Lieutenant Thirteenth  Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, and Historian of the Regiment. 

             (Source: New Hampshire Soldiers & Sailors War of the Rebellion, Ayling)


Date of Organization:     12 Sep 1862, Mustered in 20 Sep 1862

Under the command of Colonel Aaron Fletcher Stevens.

Officers Killed or Mortally Wounded:      5              Officers Died of Disease or Accident:      0

Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded:      84           Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident:      92

*Recruits to the 13th were transferred to the 2nd Infantry  on June 21, 1865.

Original members of the 13th were mustered out June 21, 1865.

Total Men: 1,272              Casualties (Killed or Mortal Wound): 90


39 Newmarket Soldiers

3 KIA, 1 Died of Wounds, 9 Disability Discharges, 3 Desertions,

BLACK, George -  enlisted 7 Aug 1862 at age 34 as a Private in Company E. 13th Infantry.  Promoted to Full Corporal on 1 May 1865. Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

BLAKE, David – enlisted 20 Aug 1862 at age 32 as a Private in Company E. 13th Infantry.  Promoted to Full Corporal.  Transferred to Navy regiment US Navy on 28 Apr 1864. Discharged 11 Jun 1865.

BRACKETT, Samuel – enlisted 8 Aug 1862 at age 25 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.   Discharged 10 Jun 1865 with chronic diarrhea, chills,  and fever.

CASWELL, George – enlisted 11 Aug 1862 at age 29 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Disability Discharge 7 Oct 1863 at Portsmouth, VA.

CASWELL, James – enlisted 11 Aug 1862 at age 25 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

CHAPMAN, Charles – DoW-enlisted 4 Aug 1862 at age 23 as a Sergeant in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Died from Wounds on 7 Apr 1865 at Washington DC.

CHAPMAN, David – enlisted  29 Sep 1862 at age 38 as a Private  in Company E, 13th Infantry. Promoted to Full Corporal on 1 May 1865.  Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

CHAPMAN, Joseph – enlisted 14 Aug 1862 at age 20 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. Promoted to Full Sergeant 1 Jun 1865.  Transferred into Company B, 2nd Infantry Regiment New Hampshire on 21 Jun 1865.  Mustered out 19 Dec 1865.

CHAPMAN, William – enlisted 22 Aug 1862 at age 34 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. He mustered in 30 Sep 1862 and lis listed as Deserted on 4 Oct 1862 at Camp Chase, VA. (This desertion record is suspect. Chapman’s name is on the town G.A.R. monument, and it is highly  unlikely that it he would be included if he deserted with less than a week in service).

COLBY, Moses – enlisted 13 Aug 1862 at age 26 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Received a Disability Discharge on 5 Feb 1863 at Philadelphia„PA.

DAVIS, Augustus – enlisted  12 Aug 1862 at age 21 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. Promoted to Full Corporal on 1 May 1865.  Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

DOCKUM, William – enlisted 13 Aug 1862 at age 19 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Received a Disability Discharge 5 Mar 1863 at Fort Schuyler, NY Harbor.

DURELL, James – enlisted 19 Sep 1862 at age 30 as a 1st Lieutenant in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Promoted to Full Captain 15 Jul 1864.  Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.  DOB 2 Jun 1832; DOD 21 Mar 1912.

FRENCH, Charles – enlisted 14 Aug 1862 at age 25 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Deserted 7 Feb 1863 at Falmouth, VA.

FRENCH, Nathaniel – enlisted 12 Aug 1862 at age 27 as a Corporal in Company E, 13thInfantry. Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

FRENCH, Warren – enlisted 14 Aug 1862 at age 28 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

GIBBS, John F– enlisted 5 Aug 1862 at age 30 as a Sergeant. Promoted to Full 1st Sergeant on 1 Aug 1863. Promoted to Full 2nd Sergeant 1 Aug 1863.  Promoted to Full 2nd Lieutenant (not mustered) on 15 Jun 1865.  Discharged 21 Jun 1865.

GLOVER, Warren – enlisted 12 Sep 1862 at age 31 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

GOULD, Joseph – KIA- enlisted 13 Aug 1862 at age 43 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Killed In Action  30 Sep 1864 at Fort Harrison.

GREEN, Charles – enlisted 13 Aug 1862 at age 21 as a Private in Company B, 13th Regiment U.S. Colored Troops.  Discharged for promotion 22 Jan 1864.

GREEN, John – enlisted 11 Aug 1862 at age 21 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. Promoted to Full Corporal 9 Jun 1864. Discharged from Company E  on 24 Jun 1865.

GUNNING, Bernard (AKA Bernerd)  –enlisted 27 Sep 1862 at age 25 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Mustered in 30 Sep 1862.  Deserted 4 Oct 1862 at Camp Chase, VA.  He was born in England; credited to Newmarket

HARVEY, John –KIA - enlisted 11 Aug 1862 at age 45 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Killed In Action 16 May 1864 at Drewry’s Bluff, VA.

HOGAN, David – enlisted 123 Aug 1861 at age 43 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Received a Disability Discharge 8 Feb 1865.

HORN, Benjamin F. – enlisted 7 Aug 1862 at age 29 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Transferred into Navy Regiment US Navy on 28 Apr 1864.  Discharged 20 Jun 1865.

HOWARD, Henry – enlisted 13 Aug 1862 at age 25 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. Discharged 16 May 1865.

HUGHES, James – enlisted 14 Aug 1862 at age 18 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

JENKINS, George – enlisted 6 Aug 1862 at age 20 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. Deserted 21 Jun 1863 at Portsmouth, VA.

KENISTON, Edward – enlisted 8 Aug 1862 at age 33 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. Received a Disability Discharge 11 Dec 1863 at Fort Schuyler, NY Harbor.

KENISTON, William – enlisted 8 Aug 1862 at age 45 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. Received a Disability Discharge on 15 Sep 1863 at Portsmouth, VA.

KINERSON, Charles – enlisted 8 Aug 1862 at age 38 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry. Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

MURRAY, Henry – enlisted 31 Jul 1862 at age 24 as a 2nd Lieutenant in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Promoted to Full 1st Lieutenant (As of Company K) on 10 Jun 1863.  Mustered out 21 Jun 1865 at Richmond, VA.

PINKHAM, John – enlisted 8 Aug 1862 at age 36 as a Corporal in Company E, 13th Infantry. Promoted to Full Sergeant. Killed In Action  29 Sep 1864 at Fort Harrison, VA.

RICHARDSON, William  - enlisted 11 Aug 1862 at age 22 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Transferred into Navy Regiment U.S. Navy on 28 Apr 1864.  Discharged from Navy 23 May 1865.

SMART, George – enlisted 8 Aug 1862 at age 33 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  He was promoted to Full Corporal.  Received a Disability Discharge on 6 Feb 1863 at Falmouth, VA.

SMITH, Orsamus – enlisted 8 Aug 1862 at age 28 as a Corporal in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Received a Disability Discharge 1 Mar 1863 at Washington, D.C.

WATSON, Joseph – enlisted 13 Aug 1862 at age 31 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry.  Dishonorably Discharged 14 May 1864 and sentenced to 3 years hard labor at Norfolk, VA.  Sentence was remitted by Special Order No. 379, War Department – Adjt. General’s Office on 18 Jul 1865.

WILD, Joseph – enlisted 10 Aug 1863 at age 22 as a Private in Company G, 13th Infantry – substitute.  Transferred into Navy Regiment US Navy on 6 Apr 1864.  Discharged 28 Jul 1865.

YOUNG, John – enlisted 5 Aug 1862 at age 19 as a Private in Company E, 13th Infantry,  Received as Disability Discharge on 27 Oct 1863 at Portsmouth, VA.


Fredericksburg, Va. Dec. 11-16, 1862

Getty’s Night Assault Dec. 13, 1862

Siege of Suffolk, Va. Apr. 10 to May 4, 1863

Providence Church Road, Va. May 3, 1863

Port Walthall, Va. May 6,7,1864

Swift Creek, Va. May 9, 1O, 1864

Proctor’s and Kingsland Creeks, Va. May 12, 13, 1864

Drewry’s Bluff, Va. May 14-16, 1864

Bermuda Hundred (Front), Va.

May 16-27,1864; Aug. 27 to Sept. 28, 1864

Cold Harbor, Va. June 1-12,1864

Battery Five, Petersburg, Va. June 15,1864

Siege of Petersburg, Va. June 15 to Aug. 27, 1864

Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. July 30, 1864

Fort Harrison, Va., capture of Sept. 29, 1864

Fort Harrison, Va., defense of Sept. 30, 1864

Fair Oaks, Va. Oct. 27, 1864

Richmond, Va., occupation of Apr. 3, 1865.  The 13th N. H. V. furnished the first troops, and its colors were the first to enter the city.



Fought on 13 Dec 1862 at Fredericksburg, VA.

Fought on 3 May 1863 at Providence Church Road, VA.

Fought on 14 Apr 1864 at Suffolk, VA.

Fought on 7 May 1864 at Port Walthall, VA.

Fought on 9 May 1864 at Swift Creek, VA.

Fought on 10 May 1864 at Swift Creek, VA.

Fought on 12 May 1864 at Proctor’s Creek, VA.

Fought on 13 May 1864 at Proctor’s Creek, VA.

Fought on 13 May 1864 at Kingsland Creek, VA.

Fought on 14 May 1864 at Drewry’s Bluff, VA.

Fought on 16 May 1864 at Drewry’s Bluff, VA.

Fought on 25 May 1864 at Bermuda Hundred, VA.

Fought on 1 Jun 1864 at Cold Harbor, VA.

Fought on 2 Jun 1864 at Cold Harbor, VA.

Fought on 3 Jun 1864 at Cold Harbor, VA.

Fought on 4 Jun 1864 at Cold Harbor, VA.

Fought on 5 Jun 1864 at Cold Harbor, VA.

Fought on 7 Jun 1864 at Cold Harbor, VA.

Fought on 11 Jun 1864 at Cold Harbor, VA.

Fought on 15 Jun 1864 at Petersburg, VA.

Fought on 15 Jun 1864 at Battery Five, Petersburg, VA.

Fought on 26 Jun 1864 at Petersburg, VA.

Fought on 2 Jul 1864 at Petersburg, VA.

Fought on 4 Jul 1864 at Petersburg, VA.

Fought on 24 Sep 1864 at Fort Harrison, VA.

Fought on 29 Sep 1864 at Fort Harrison, VA.

Fought on 30 Sep 1864 at Fort Harrison, VA.

Fought on 23 Oct 1864 at Petersburg, VA.

Fought on 27 Oct 1864 at Fair Oaks, VA.

Fought on 18 Nov 1864.

Fought on 3 Apr 1865.

All Published

Stone School Museum

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