Source: The Union Army, vol. 1

A PERMANENT organization of this company was effected at Dover in October, 1822, and in the spring of the next year the company became a part of the state militia, being styled the First Company Light Infantry, Second Regiment, Second Brigade, Second Division, New Hampshire Volunteer State Militia. During the summer of 1824 the company acted as escort to the Marquis de Lafayette, on the occasion of his visit to Dover. The company was incorporated under the name of the Strafford Guards by act of legislature, approved June 27, 1835.

On the 5th of May, 1864, in pursuance of telegraphic instructions from Maj. Gen. John A. Dix, commanding the Department of the East, dated April 24, 1864, the company was mustered into the service of the United States for the period of sixty days, and sent to Fort Constitution, at New Castle, to assist in relieving the First Company New Hampshire Volunteer Heavy Artillery, which had been ordered to the front. July 28, 1864, it was mustered out of the United States service.

On the 26th of September, 1866, the company became Company A, Second Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer State Militia. During the year ending May, 1878, the First and Second Regiments were reorganized, and the Strafford Guards became Company A, First Regiment, New Hampshire National Guard, which position the company still retains. The company has several times been one of those selected to represent New Hampshire at celebrations in other states.

No Battles Fought  Total Strength was 83 men during the Civil War.

One South New Market Resident:

Laural D. C. HAYES, Musician, enlisted  May 5 1864, age 15, claimed residence South Newmarket; mustered out July 28 1864.

All Published

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