Here lieth interred the body of col. Winthrop Hilton, who departed this life, 23 June, 1710, in the 39 year of his age.

 Note.—Colonel Hilton’s first American ancestor came to New Hampshire in 1623. He was a brave warrior and often distinguished himself in contests with the aborigines. His death was much lamented. He was largely concerned in the masting business, and, having had many valuable trees felled in Epping, went out, with seventeen men, to strip them of their bark.  His company was  ambuscaded, on the 23 of June, 1710, by a party of Indians, when colonel Hilton was killed with two of his men, and some were made prisoner.

The death of such a valiant officer was matter of much triumph to the savage enemy, who scalped him, struck a hatchet into his head and a lance into his heart. His body was recovered by his friends and was respectfully interred in his orchard. He was a gentleman of good temper and celebrated valour, and was much respected in life, and equally lamented, in death, by all who knew him.

His son, of the same name, who was also a colonel, and who was born shortly after the murderous ambuscade, was a gentleman of respectability, and lived to the 26 of December, 1781. The present venerable Ichabod Hilton, who owns and occupies the ancient seat of his grandfather, is the only son of the last mentioned colonel Hilton.

He has one son, who bears the Christian name of Winthrop, and one daughter, Mrs. Susanna Mead of  Northwood.

[printed in the Newmarket Advertiser]

All Published

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